Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
I love Markus Lupfer's Sequined Jumpers but If you seem to have unsufficient funds why dont you check out the Missguided similar version at £20.Perfect for the Winter season although the fabric does seem to look a bit thin maybe I wont be wearing it when I visit Ireland for after Christmas. I cant wait for all the roast dinners and cake not to mention the boxes of celebrations and roses.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
I'm not sure but I think my obsession of Charlie The Unicorn is starting again, it always cheers me up instantly.My whole entire weekend seems to be consumed by the likes of X factor now. It is so cold outside now ,the weather changes too quickly and because my computer is near the front door I am putting my personal warmth at health every time I sign on.I think I may need to take a trip down to London to by some jumpers even though I'm broke it may be time to move on from my summer tank tops
Sunday, 11 October 2009
I've had a long weekend with a half day Thursday and day off Friday.Really should have used my time to do courswork which Ive now spent all day doing.Instead I went to london bought some velvet leggings and a went to a surprise party to finish the Friday off.I used to think Leopard Print was just for ladies in their fifties and the Flintstones but I must say my opinion is beginning to change.Just remember to not go too over the top and it always should be faux.Now I realise this post is very boring and badly punctuated so I stop and post pictures of people in leopard print and Harry Hill for he has returned to ITV
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
I am at work experience this week it just seems to be a lot of admin work. I've currently got a massive headache because I've been online non stop all day feeling unhealthy. I sat outside for a bit to read Teen Vogue on a bench on my lonesome because all of the adults drove off out for lunch in their big flash cars
Napoleon dynanmite is the best. I couldn't find the dance video on the internet which disappointed me greatly.Have you been watching Xfactor I sure have and am currently addicted not only do I watch the xtra factor aswell it seems to be the topic of all my conversations.Ive decided I want Miss Frank to win :)
Friday, 18 September 2009

My friend got me obsessed with listening to Paloma's music .Normally I hate it when people force me into listening to their ipod but it's all good. Paloma also plays the goth in St Trinians and in my opinion looks completely different.
I need some white tights sure they might have some in topshop or primark if I'm lucky trying to save up for christmas so my post may be boring and unintresting. As I have said I will take primary source pictures soon but i've got a cold (changing weather) and tones of coursework in.Curse second year GCSE.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
And if you want to be the teacher's pet
Well baby you just better forget it.
Rock got no reason. Rock got no rhyme.
You better get me to school on time.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Monday, 31 August 2009
Sunday, 30 August 2009

I just came back from South France this morning seriously not in the best mood as I had to sleep in a service station but I will go on with this post.I realise I havent posted in ages to be honest I don't have a clue what to post about ive spent my holiday weeks at a performing arts school, ireland and playing mario galaxy. I can't wait for school to start back up I love the newness of everything even though i have to give in physics coursework in a couple of days that I havent even started. Ireland was good because I got a Captain Hat and Ireland was good because I ate lots of ice cream.The south of France is pretty but I suppose its just the rich peoples playground and I don't have that sort of money.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
The day afterwards I visited the Festival of History and it was a very windy cold day even for england not the cleverest of ideas just wearing what I was. See all the LARPERS was quite amusing though grown men dressed up a soldiers from the Georgian times etc it reminded me a lot of role models.
Live Action Role PlayER
I learnt that from Beauty And The Geek
I managed to to take a few pictures that will stay probably in my documents. I even got three people dressed up as soldiers to take a picture with but let me tell you its probably not the best idea to stand infront of Larpers marching towards the battle of Bosworth