Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Late Afternoon Tea At Sketch
At the beginning of this year, I took the plunge and made a reservation at Sketch, as a break free from revision and with my sister in tow. I'd been lusting to go there ever since I'd seen the powdery pink room with its trifle sponge finger seats (which seemed straight out of a Prada candy advert) featured on many a blog.
The afternoon tea itself was gorgeous and rich consisting of creamy pastries, caviar and quail egg assorted sandwiches, mini paninis and dreamy gateaux's. This was all finished off with warm scones and clotted cream. I have to confess I needed to request a doggy bag. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to take the recommended bathroom selfie in the egg pod toilets, as I had smashed my phone the week before, so hopefully, I'll manage to re-visit, although David Shrigley's creation may be handed over in that time.
Friday, 26 June 2015
My sister's prom was yesterday which marks the fact that mine was five years ago .That shocking realisation will be my excuse in why I spent the evening eating copious amounts of leftover post party food. Maybe that is also the reason I've dusted off the cobwebs of this once abandoned blog.
Anyway makeup related, my sister gave my the stressful task of creating a look to match but not compete with her gorgeous dress this gave me the perfect chance to use my newest beauty purchases.
Charlotte Tilbury's Rock Chick quad. A lovely wearable palette which can be built up for a very three-dimensional look. The camera doesn't quite do this palette justice with a creamy soft texture these pigments apply like a dream and stay set on the dance floor even without a primer.
LipstickQueen Endless Summer lipstick in Aloha was on my wish list for a while since featured on one of Essie buttons videos a couple of months ago. I for one love the packaging its so summery and the texture makes the product so easy to apply even without a mirror.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
I'm not much of a bath person, the constant battle with the temperature of the tub and the fact that you can't pretend your in a Britney Spears Video means I'm definitely a shower girl. I'm an avid fan of Lush Cosmetics and when I received this package from my cousins as a substitute for an easter egg (apparently I'm too old) I let out a little squeal. The box contained a bath bomb and a bubble bar therefore I couldn't wait to pop into the bath straight away.
Think Pink: The first product I used gave a gorgeous lingering fruiting aroma. As the bomb deteriorated little confetti hearts were produced within the bath to my surprise and my skin was left feeling silky.
Pop In The Bath: Inspired by Mary Poppins this bubble bar with a mild rose scent can be brought in a variety of colours. I only used a small amount, however my bath was teaming with bubbles "I Should Be So Lucky"anyone.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Ok so after two years of an unexplainable hiatus I am back where I have always been in-front of my laptop writing a post. Albeit however until now it was writing reviews on every product I have ever purchased under the alias of missjohnnydepp. Maybe this restart of my blog can be a somewhat new years resolution a little less of a month late . I'm going to make these posts frequent so hopefully any past posts will be a distant nightmare in the world of bad grammar and lighting.
So today I wanted to share these three new Mac products I purchased while dealing with exam stress. I must confess I am a avid makeup tutorial watcher. There is something I can admire with people without shaky hands carefully and delicately applying makeup to a blemish free face.Which I why when pixiwoo mentioned they used these products in a 90's vanessa paradis tutorial I had to pick them up. The matte lipstick 'Honey Love" applies a creamy gorgeous shade that makes me feel like I'm forever in a sepia photograph, and as we all know sepia is the most flattering of photo booth effects. The blush "Harmony" gives a nice everyday natural complexion however requires more application for it to be visible compared to brighter Mac shades. My favourite product gaining first prize out of the three was defiantly the lip liner "spice"its perfect for smudging and defines the lips crisply. I'm off to hide my credit card before I blow my entire student savings, people can live off just rice and water right?
Saturday, 28 May 2011
(Top- Tammy (Not really biggest fan of Bhs but my sister dragged me in)
(Trousers- American Apparel)
(Lip Purse- Ebay)
At the moment there's crows having a party outside my window, theres probably a pot a brewing or whatever that saying is, anyway all my exams are over and I can now leave my desk and rip down my revision wall. Fingers crossed I don't have to repeat any of the papers probably wasn't the best idea to spend the day before exams bringing out the IT crowd boxset though. I need one of those coffin backpacks from goth-shooz oh so tempted and the shoes from Modekungen Acne inspired that were around everywhere last year. Why is it that when summer comes around all I want to wear is black ?
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Becoming a nail artist is crossed out from my list of potential jobs.
Early finish today, my stuff (Mickey mouse dress, snow white sticker & Levi's which are too big for my ass) arrived from ebay arrived and so did my sisters massive nail art pen kit. She's already better than me but she wont let me come near her with a camera. Anyway this is my new minnie mouse dress from Ebay for about two pounds its totally a little big for me but I just Gok it up with a belt and it's fine.
Saturday, 12 March 2011

Oh hello not much blogging has been going on but that's because I've got endless amounts of past papers shoved at me, scripts to learn,while trying not to consume my weight in Frijj milkshakes and chicken pies from the chip shop. I have already giving up on a social life until the exams are over according to my tutors but I'm not staying in all the time
anyway mini rant over
I put on my london tights, squeezed into my eleven year olds sister's coat and managed to get into camden without the train lines being all closed down. First time going back in ages and it was lovely I even got over my fear of cyberdog and brought a doughnut necklace back to prove it :D.
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